Monday, 28 November 2011

Articulate & Almost plausible, but based on nothing at all

Probably the best TV report I have seen, as it at least gets a bit closer to the true issues.  However, Chris Grayling is still well off the mark,

His main argument was that the report was out of date and did not reflect the the changes implemented in May/June 2011.  I have had WCAs in Dec 2009, Feb 2011 & Sept 2009 and tha last one was the worst, not the best.

He also majored on the fact that Tribunals have more information than his Decision Makers, so it is not so surprising that they are often wrong.  The truth is that the DMs choose to ignore some of the information they do have available - this is certainly true in my case and has been confirmed through the TS's own reporting systems - DMs are simply not doing their jobs.

He clearly wants GPs out of the picture altogether - wrong on every level and a recipe for massive additional cost.  It does however place another task in the hands of the private sector, so is in line with the NHS privatisation policy.

But the real problem, in case it has escaped Mr Grayling's notice, is that THERE ARE NO JOBS, let alone "modified" jobs for those that cannot cope with the normal rigours of conventional employment.

As Del-Boy would say, "What a plonker" 

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